Another 12 new cases were confirmed in Singapore. Up to now, a total of 150 people have been diagnosed in Singapore.
Nine of them were related to the infection group at the private banquet of the Jurong Armed Forces Club Club. One case was imported from abroad, the source of the infection was unknown, and one was associated with the previously confirmed cases.

At present, 60 confirmed patients are still hospitalized, and most of them are stable or improving. Nine of these patients were critically ill and were treated in the intensive care unit.
There are currently 30 confirmed patients in the infection group at the private banquet of the Jurong Readiness Army Association Club, becoming one of the largest infection groups.
The infected population continues to spread from person to person, the economy is also affected by the epidemic, and the morale of Singaporeans is unavoidable. In response to the “Enhancing the” City “Qiqi Epidemic Prevention Campaign”, yesterday (March 7), more than 200 people gathered for a shared dinner! Minister Xu and more than 200 people can cheer on local businesses with practical actions while enjoying traditional Chaozhou cuisine ~
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