孟加拉客工 Sozal Mirza 在脸书上感谢新加坡当局在疫情期间给予的帮助。帖子流传后网友纷纷表示感谢他并希望他身体健康。



我代表新加坡的所有孟加拉国移民工人,感谢整个新加坡政府。 警察,人力部,卫生部,每个保安,每个清洁工,每个食品供应商。 为了非常有效地处理这种情况。 坦白说,我对新加坡政府非常满意。 他们为我们提供食物,日常用品,面膜,清洁剂,免费Wi-Fi / Sim卡,以供我们在房间中度过。



今天,我向公众保证,如果我有机会随时为新加坡做点事情,我将不惜一切代价。 因为他们为我做得最好…我也将为他们做最好…。


Sozal Mirza脸书原文:

I on behalf of all Bangladeshi Migrant workers in Singapore wants to thank the entire singapore gov. Police, MOM, MOH, every security, every cleaner, every food supplier. For handling this situation very efficiently. Frankly i’m felling so graceful to Singapore gov. They providing us food, daily needs items, mask, sanitizer, free wifi/sim card for our time spend in room.
Medical camp in every dormitory.
Frankly talking if i’m in Bangladesh also i may not get this essential items In this critical situation….
And i appreciate that the singapore gov use to care, think, well wish about our family back in our country….
Absolute sallute from my heart for Singapore gov.

And i’m today promising here in publicly if i got a chance any times to do something for Singapore i will do it in any cost. Cause they are doing best for me… I will also do the best for them….
Thanks everyone related to care us.
